Did you know that 86% of Division I recruits are identified by their sophomore year? The process starts early, and there are dozens of steps along the way — not to mention countless rules and regulations by which to abide that vary by conference, league, division, and sport.
Savvy student-athletes can use sports as a tool not only to gain entrance into top universities in various divisions, but also to secure scholarships along with an unforgettable college experience.
Our athletic recruitment counselors will help you navigate the process from start to finish: reviewing recruiting dates, identifying showcases and tournaments, attending camps and clinics, putting together a highlight reel, contacting coaches, scheduling official visits, establishing NCAA eligibility and more. Most importantly, they will help you target the programs that are best for you!
Explore the difference between our packages to determine which best suits your needs.
- I want to continue my athletic career in college. Which programs are right for me?
That depends on what you want to study in college and how much time you want to dedicate to sports. Many teenagers get caught in the trap of believing that NCAA Division I is the only way to play college sports — that if playing Division III will mean they are not classified as the “best athletes”, which is certainly not always the case. For example, at the NCAA Division I level, you train year-round, five days a week, while at a Division III school, you are only allowed to train limited hours in the off-season, allowing more time for studies and a balanced life.
What it comes down to is that, in college, you are a Student-Athlete — notice that “student” comes first. Choose the school that can offer you the chance to pursue your academic/career interests while playing the sport you love as a supplementary activity.
- I am already getting attention and accolades for my athletic prowess. Why should I use GE College Prep’s Athletic Recruitment Counselors?
In the college athletic recruitment process, it can be difficult to know where to even begin. The most common questions asked are: how do I contact a coach? Do I possess the ability to compete at a college level? What’s the right type of program for me? Do I have the grades for this school? What is playing college sports even like? These questions can be very intimidating at times, and countless impressive athletes have been overlooked over the years due to their misunderstanding of the recruitment process.
Learning how to properly communicate with college coaches, knowing how to be proactive in the recruitment process, and keeping your grades up can increase your chances of taking part in the unforgettable experience of playing sports in college — all while working towards an education.
- How many sessions will I need?
The answer to this, of course, depends entirely on what you hope to accomplish and in which areas you are seeking guidance. Athletic recruitment counseling can be as hands-on or as hands-off as you want. It will clearly require more hours to walk you through the process from start to finish than to simply offer occasional guidance on how to approach particular coaches or which showcases to attend, but we will make sure you understand what needs to happen and let you determine what role you need us to play.