Classic hours can be used for any/all of the following one-on-one services (see below for more information on each):

  • Standardized test preparation
  • Academic tutoring
  • College counseling
  • Athletic recruitment
  • Study skills

In-person sessions* are typically 1.5-2 hours long, and virtual sessions are typically 1-1.5 hours long (unless otherwise agreed upon).

20 hours – $4,700 (save $800) 
40 hours – $9,000 (save $2,000) 
60 hours – $12,900 (save $3,600)
80 hours – $16,400 (save $5,600)
100 hours - $19,500 (save $8,000)

Have you considered working with a Classic+ or Founder's Circle tutor/counselor?

Our Classic+ staff are among the top performers in the company and have a proven track record of exceptional results and client satisfaction. Classic+ counselors typically have 10+ years of relevant educational and/or admissions experience, and many also specialize in niche areas that enable them to work with varied student populations. Classic+ test prep tutors have not only scored in the 98th percentile or above on an SAT/ACT screening exam and undergone rigorous training, but they each also have 1000+ hours of experience. These tutors regularly conduct our group tutoring programs and boot camps. Our Founder’s Circle staff includes Great Expectations College Prep’s management team, who oversee their respective departments, develop curriculum, and have among the best track records in the industry. If you are interested in meeting with one of these exceptional tutors, you should consider Classic+ packages and/or Founder's Circle packages.

NOTE: While packages are non-refundable, hours are transferable among other tutors/counselors. Rates are subject to change.

*Subject to availability and location

Classic Packages

Standardized Test Preparation

When used for test preparation, Classic packages include ALL necessary textbooks and materials (including a GE strategy guide, official study guide, silent stopwatch, binders of additional exams, and a Quizlet set of flashcards for SAT/ACT review) as well as a number of free proctored exams* (typically $39.99). Proctored exams are valid for the duration of the package and should be used prior to the package completion. We strongly encourage students to sign up for our proctored exams on as many weekends as possible. Test prep curriculum requires a minimum of 20 hours.

Our test prep tutors scored in the 98th percentile or above on the SAT or ACT and have received extensive training; many also have either their teaching credentials and/or a graduate degree in their areas of expertise.

The number of hours you'll need depends heavily on three factors:

1. Grasp of the material being tested. If you already know all of the grammar rules and math formulas/concepts that show up on a standardized test, it will clearly require fewer hours to prepare you for the exam! That being said, most students have unexpected gaps in both (perhaps comma rules, function problems, etc), which will take time to both identify and address.

2. Application of good test-taking strategies. Do you pace yourself well? Do you know when to read carefully and when to skim? Are you comfortable with which questions to answer first, second...or even last?

3. Test-taking anxiety, distractibility, and mental endurance. Most teenagers have never had to focus for nearly 4 hours in a single sitting, nor have they taken an exam that carries so much weight. Learning to stay focused, build endurance, and minimize stress are key to succeeding on these standardized tests.

Don't know how many hours you want? Our Test Prep Diagnostics allow you to take proctored exams and then meet for 1.5 hours with a tutor to break down the results. Additionally, once we know how well you are scoring to start and how well you WANT to score, it gives us a better sense of how much help is needed and in what areas.

*3 exams with a 20-hour package, 6 with a 40-hour package, and 9 with a 60-hour package.

Academic Tutoring

Classic packages include ALL applicable books and materials that your tutor assigns. While many of our tutors have either their teaching credentials and/or a graduate degree in their areas of expertise, all of them have received extensive training and have years of experience.

College Counseling

Our experienced college counselors can help young students create a plan to maximize their high school years or high school seniors perfect their admissions essays and tackle the application process as a whole. We also have specialists on staff who work with transfer students and graduate school applicants, so our counseling staff will be able to help you reach any of your higher education goals.

Classic packages include a copy of the updated Fiske Guide to Colleges, our very own GE College Application/Deadline Tracker, and any necessary additional supplies/books, as needed.

The number of hours you'll need depends heavily on three factors:

1. Which parts of the process a student wants help with. We offer a wide range of college counseling services and start with some students as early as seventh grade and others as late as senior year. Clearly, the more guidance a student wants, the more hours will be necessary.

2. How many schools a student is applying to, as well as which ones. Some college applications require zero essays while others require as many as twelve, so it's nearly impossible to anticipate the workload without a fairly firm college list in place.

3. How much involvement/guidance you would like. Some families only want us to tell them what needs to be done, and then they'll do it; others want us to oversee the process from start to finish, confirming receipt of every set of test scores and letters of recommendation, read every draft of every essay, et cetera.

For information on the various aspects of the college application process, please visit our Counseling page.

Remember, there is no “right” way to tackle this process — it simply depends on what will make it the least stressful and most manageable for you and your family!

Athletic Recruitment

Our athletic recruitment counselors have experienced the recruiting process as both student-athletes and college coaches. They can help student-athletes navigate the process from start to finish: establishing NCAA eligibility, reviewing recruiting dates, identifying showcases and tournaments, attending camps and clinics, putting together highlight reels, contacting coaches, scheduling official visits and more.

For information on the various aspects of the process, please visit our Athletic Recruitment page.

Study Skills

Today’s students face demanding standards, juggling rigorous coursework, Advanced Placement classes, standardized tests, sports, extracurricular activities, and community engagement—all while managing digital distractions. They require additional support to balance these responsibilities effectively.

Our “Study Skills and Executive Function” curriculum is tailored to help students excel in this dynamic educational landscape by developing key executive function strategies. This program prepares students to tackle complex academic tasks—from studying for exams and managing projects to understanding advanced texts—across various learning settings, whether in-person or online, at school or in the workplace.

Central to our curriculum is the development of essential life skills such as habit formation, goal setting, and strategic planning. Students will learn to manage time and stress effectively, building resilience and cultivating a growth mindset. Our program also sharpens crucial academic skills, including prioritization, reading comprehension, effective note-taking, and communication—equipping students for academic success and beyond.


For more information, please visit our Study Skills page

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